Devotees who wish to send prayers to Shirdi can now send them to Sai brother Satish, as he is going to Shirdi after his marriage. I wish the couple a very happy married life.
Sairam Hetal Sis
I am starting to Shirdi on 15th Aug and will reach Shirdi on 16th (thursday). This time its gonna be special because I am going with my life partner. I am getting married on 11th aug. So as a couple, we will be visiting Shirdi to seek baba’s blessings.
Requesting you to please cascade the request to all the baba devotees to send in their prayer request to the below email I’d on or before 5th aug 2012.
Email I’d –
Dear Hetalji,
How do I send my prayers with Satishji? Please provide an email address. Thank you.
Thanku for ur service Satishji. SAI bless u & ur wife a happy married life, health & prosperity.
I've 2 prayer requests….Request u to place them at Baba's feet:
1. My husband should get a project of his interest in a location he desires & stability in the same project & please solve his Visa issues & also peace at work(as he has suffered a lot of crisis at his current project)
2. I've been suffering from Chronic Psoriasis for the past 2 1/2 yrs & waiting for permanent cure.
I beg of SAI to grant us the 2.
– Meena
Dear Hetalji,
I Request u to take my prayers to Baba's feet:
My husband and me are looking for job…. Even though we both are well educated and having experince we are not getting job and we are in really bad situation that we cannot effort to eat 3 times a day.Yestardy i completed 3rd time reading of Sai Charitra to get job i am not getting…. Again today i am going start reading with your blessing.. please Baba Bless me….
Om Sai Ram..plausibly the prayers are to be send in the above given e-mail id.
Thank you Satishjji for your help taking my prayers to Shirdi. Please find my prayers as under-
Dear Saibaba,
Namaste. Saibaba you know all my problems yet I am sending you this prayer to Shirdi so you can help me fast if possible. You know my husband is trying very hard to find a job for the past 13 months but without any success. Please Baba, bless him with a good job soon with your blessing we will get a job by August, so we can be relieved of stress and gain some peace in our hearts and minds.
Please Baba make sure he gets a job that we will not loose again; a well paying job that will pay off all our debts. Please Baba help me also find a job too.
We pray for your blessing and loving glance always.
Thank you so much Baba.
Shri Satchitanand Sadguru Sai Baba apki sada hi Jai. OM SAI SAI SAI.
Your daughter.
Om Sai Ram..The prayers are to be send in the e-mail
Thank you for your service Satishji & may Baba bless you & your wife with a happy married life.
I request you to take my prayers to baba's feet:
I am suffering from a skin condition called keloids for years & it seems to be just getting worst so seeking baba's blessings for permanent cure & another physical condition so seek baba's help & blessings.
Thank you so much for taking my prayer to baba.
Om sai ram,
My Prayers:
Baba my namaskars to u, Plz forgive me if i done any mistakes ..plz do not punish in deep pain
Baba plz im waiting for more than 7 years now, Plz get me married to me with my love, i do not know what wrong i did, but this punishment i cant bear, plz bless us happy married life by this year.cant take the pain more.
Thanks for taking my prayers..hope baba answers me soon.
Sister Sandhya,
First of all Congrats on ur wedding and Good luck to your life.
Baba will bless you for the good deeds you are performing.
Stay Happy.
Allah Mallik.
Servant of Baba
Ohm Sai Ram,
Please relive her from the arrogant and sadist teacher.In the name of love he is threatning and block mailing her with some videos. she is Saiba baba bakthai. Due to her own mistake now she is in trap of that man. Please arrange a marrraige for the man with other girl or please do something to not disturbing her.
Advance Thanks my dear Baba. please pray for the girl.
Ohm Sai Ram,
I ahve borrowed more than 4.5laks. Now it is very difficult to re paying. For the poor girl i have spent more than in it. Now she is annoying and telling alll rules and regulations to me.
please pray for me to relive form this borrow in soon.
Thanks for your Prayers
Hi hetal ji
Please pray for my health and wealth for me and my family
Pray baba to bless child for my mama
Wish to come shridi with my family and parents (mom and dad)
blessing for sister marriage
resolve my family problems
namaste to every one, i request one and all to pray for my friend's career , my friend is 2008 passed out of , he got selected for satyam but was not called by satyam computers as satyam company has made scam in that year and so many lost their jobs at that time, there after recession started , now my friend wants to go for MS , whenever he decides to do something everything turns down, now also samething happened when he decided to go for MS all of a sudden financial problem have araised in his home. i request if any one goes to shiridi or any baba temple pls put my request regarding to my friend's MS programme infront of baba. if any one goes to shiridi pls take 2 chits with you, on one chit write yes on another chit write no, when you go to dwarkamayi ,place those chits ask baba and take one among 2 and kindly pls tell me, whats the answer has come
Om sai ram
Si baba , u know all my family problems and health problem.Please cure my nerve and giddiness problem completely
Please bless child to my mama.baba please solve my family problem and my parents are misunderstood me,Please bless me to join with my parents.
call me shridi with my parents and hubby ,papa.
My parents will invite me for my sister marriage
Om sai ram jay ram …
Thank you ji,
Dear Sai baba,
Please take this as an invitation of my housewarming function on August 22nd. I request u to present there and bless us as this is the gift from u to us. So please i want u to be with us at that moment and baba and also u have to bless us and allow us to come to shirdi with my family. Love u baba.
Dear hetal ji,
Please take my prayers to Baba's feet:
As we like to buy a home for us in Srilanka and we r in search for last one and half year.Still not found any suitable one.Please baba with ur blessing I hope v can find a good one with in this month becoz of mother in law is very depressed abt this.
Om sai ram……….
pls take my prayers to baba's feet:
I am abinaya.pls help me in my love i love nithin a lot i want him both love truely make my mom understand my love pls help him to settle well in life he should clear all his papers in his exam and get placed in an MNC pls help us both we want to live happily as husband and wife forever pls make him succeed in his life and with us i am struggling each day in fear of losing my nithin pls help me.
Baba bless all your devotional efforts!
Ohm Sai Ram…
i loved her too much and till i am loving .she knows every thing about me and accepting me at two years back. Now she is telling all the rules to avoid me. she should come to me and live for me. And the guy should not disturb her.In her heart my self only be there. Please pray for it.
om sri sairam…
Baba i want your love…. baba you will have to bless my parents with a happy life and long live….financial problems has to be solved smoothly…give a peace to my family and bless me with a good job…plz call me to shirdi with my family members and sweet grandma..bless me to achieve a great success in my career and in my personal life..)
Ohm Sai Ram,
In the past two days i have used un-telling words to her. First of all i am telling sorry to all for that.And already i asked sorry to her for more than 1000 times. she is doing some activity , that girls should not do. that incident and cheating came to my mind then i used un-telling words. Now She is making as this is a chance to avoid me , creating big picture and insulting me. she should come to real fact and do her real love to me. Please pray for me and changes should come to her mind to be live with me. Her secret lover should rid off from her. Thanks.
Dear Sai Baba,
Please find me good job and also show me the right direction. Please find me the right man for marriage soon.
Take care of my family and friends.
Ohm Sai Ram!
Due to misunderstanding she gone with some other person. Now he is taken her in full control. she doesn't understand that. Even i am givng love and money she always talking about him. she should come to me with full of love and he should vanish from both of us and we should live together live happy with her mother and Baba blessings.
Please pray for it . Thanks to all.
om sai ram please send my prayer to baba ji feet for my husband should get the grant money so we both can have our jobs.
Please pray
Sai nadha
pl. help me
1. pl. Help me in clearing all my financial loans at the earliest – I pray you for runa vimochanam
2. I humbly submit you for my Peaceful life and great achievements
3. I require your help in getting a great role for me in any or many social responsible acts and deeds
sai baba plz sab thik kar dijiye…plzz sab thik ho jaye…
thank u sai baba for evrythng…:)
Om Sai nathaya namaha.
I have 2 prayers to our sai baba. Pl fulfill this.
1. My husband should not make any more debts to our family by selling buying property.
2. oh sai pl make my husband to understand that our present house is good and don't change it. I like to stay there only with Sai's temple near by.