Prayer Request Regarding Job – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India:

Baba let all the levels/stages in my job be easy. Let everything go smoothly. Baba today I got the mail. In that there is also an option of relieving letter. How can I submit that before leaving that company. Baba please help as You know how the people are of my Company Baba may I get the relieving letter without any obstacles. May I go there and join on 27th happily. Baba please let my shift be normal. I do not want night shift. Let it be morning afternoon shift. Baba I know You are always with me. You always be there like this and holding You I will manage everything. Baba let my these two problems get solved. Baba please bless this child of Yours.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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