Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from Switzerland:

My sister and I were estranged for 14 years. Last week, I met her and she has been in ICU since last 3 months. I request and pray to Sai Baba to help her recover.
Please pray for my sister’s recovery as she has an autistic son who is 13 years old and needs her. Please Sai Baba help her as she is suffering a lot with diabetes and seizures. Bless her and her family. Please help the family as its so difficult for her 15 year old daughter and husband to cope. Sai Baba, they are Your devotees too and so it’s up to You to take care. Sairam, You know how shocked I am and only You, I have to seek help from. You are our saviour, please bless us. We need You in our life and thanks for the miracle of letting us two meet after 14 years. Sairam, You are omnipresent and the doer of all events in our life. Please, Sairam bless us all and my sister more as she needs You, right now to recover. Thank You, Sairam.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


  1. Sai please bless this devotee please
    Guide her a way out
    Please Sai Show Her A way Sai
    Please Bless All
    Om Sai Ram
    Her children are suffering Sai
    Please Bless Us All With Sadbudhi
    Om Sai Ram

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