Prayer For Husband And Son – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India:
Sai Ram my wonderful Sai Family,

Baba I am Your devotee who looks up to You for everything, big or small. Baba it is with Your blessing under Your lotus feet that my husband and son have changed towards the right direction. Thank You Baba.
Baba today is Thursday, the most auspicious day. I am begging Baba please bless my son that he becomes calm, always be happy, be respectful and affectionate towards his parents and family in general. 

 Baba bless my son that he gains intelligence and learns everything quickly whether its Maths, English, Writing, Science, Arts, Music, Sports and does everything with accuracy and efficiency. He is a very normal kid but I have faith that with Your blessing, he will grow to be a humble, respectful, loving, intelligent and a happy human being and also with Your blessings, I am very hopeful that he will get admission in a good school that I am longing for.
Please Baba make my wish true by getting him admission in this very good school where he can get good exposure and be successful in his later life. This can be possible only with Your blessing. Om Sai Ram. Your Ardent Devotee

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Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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