Shirdi Sai Prayers From Sai Devotee Karthik from India: My Mother needs to undergo Cancer treatment. My name is Karthik, a very ordinary devotee of His holiness Baba of Shirdi
My mother was recently diagnosed with Cancer where my world turned upside down. I have surrendered at the holy feet of Baba to cure and protect her and give her the strength to undergo the treatment and also give me and my father the strength to pass this phase. Please O Deva kindly save her as only You can and also request all my fellow Sai brethren to pray for her recovery, Om Sai Ram.
Sadha Nimba Vrukshsya Mooladhi Vaasaath
Sudha Sthraavinam Dhigdhamapya PRIYAM THAM
Tharum Kalpavrukshaadhigam Saashayantham
Namaameeswaram Sadhgurum Sainatham
Om Sai Ram
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