Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA: I am Baba’s devotee in good and bad times. He is always with me.
Baba today is Thursday, I beg to Your lotus feet to save my sister’s marriage. She has compromised so much to save this family life. Please make my brother-in-law love and respect his wife and his daughter and may he grow professionally and come to take her back and they live happily ever after. Please devotees please pray to save this family from breaking.
Also, I want to apologize to You that I am unable to read 2 chapters every Thursday for the Mahaparayan. I want to do these things out of love and respect for You rather being forced by other people. Please Baba, forgive me for not being part of the Mahaparayan.
Om Sai Ram! Bless all Your devotees who are seeking shelter under Your lotus feet!
© Prayer to Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com