Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee From India: I have been Baba’s devotee for the past 10 plus years and this is a great site.
Son’s School -My son got an opportunity in a good school, but he is having a little bit of a rough time. He did not get into any of the clubs he was interested in nor had positive news with few other ventures. He is also looking for summer internships and has not got anything yet. He is also expecting a call from one of the contacts I gave, please let that person A call him back. He is a hard-working kid. Baba, please help him, show him the right path and guide him. Give him the strength and courage to handle rejections. Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam!
Daughter’s Health- Due to her stomach issues, the doctor has advised her to do some tests. Baba, please bless her to get all normal results and that she is fine. Om Sai Arogya Shemadaya Namaha!
Fundraising event – We are planning an event for a good cause. Please bless us to have a successful program and have good contributions from everyone. Om Sai Ram!
Trips – My husband is travelling on work and I am driving 6 hours to pick him up. Please bless us to have a safe trip and a nice weekend where we are going to bring my son back home from college. My mom is visiting her sister’s place; please bless her to have a good and safe trip. Please keep us all away from Covid.
Body pains – I am experiencing severe body pains due to booster shot. Please cure all my pains and that I have no other ailments. Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam!
Please bless my family (Mom, brother, sister and their families, my husband and children) with good health.
© Prayer to Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com
Baba please bless all , please save my parents saima
Om Sai Ram, baba please bless the family and devotee and solve all her problems. Sai sai sai