Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee From India:
Om Sairam. I am from Chennai. I am married and have no kids.
I have health issues cardio disease dextrocardia with situs inverses serve pulmonary hypertension tension under in medication. I suffered a lot and because of this I am not able to give birth. I got married in 2016 by Baba’s grace. I conceived after 6 months but doctors advised me to terminate the baby. I felt bad. Daily I am struggling with health issues. My ECG is not normal. I am struggling with lot of side effects. I don’t know what to do. Only faith is our Baba. I have surrendered everything to His feet. I was diagnosed with these issues at my 20th age. By Baba’s grace I got married with a good husband when I was 31. My husband and I felt a lot for this health issues. Baba, please cure my health. My only hope is Your feet. I am in the Global Mahaparayan group. I really thank everyone here. Please add me in global prayer Sairam. Without child we are very alone facing so many struggles from our family side. Thank you all. Jai Sairam.
© Prayer to Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com