My Love Should Return Back - Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee From India:

Make my lover come back to me and love me unconditionally and romantically eternally, please.

Please bring the person I love back to me. I’m in love with someone and I want them to love me unconditionally, pray for us to have mutual respect for each other and be in a lifelong healthy relationship that works on parental consent and is safe. Want him to view me as a constant and I for him. Request him to be the individual that sees me for how pure I am and makes my family see it too. I want to be protected by him and my chosen family, fulfil the role of a good girl which I hope he needs. Want to be with him forever, have our children together, have a stable relationship and want to be his rock and be on our deathbeds together.

I pray for us to always be blessed. Pray for us to be forever growing and having intense romantic love for one another. Want the parents of each of our families to treat us as a unit and love us as though we are their own. I want him to be treated like a son once we get married (pray that it happens) and for me to be loved like a daughter by his parents. Thank You. Pray he comes back. I know this sounds extreme but he gives my life a meaning, life is only worth it with him being there- all happiness and all sadness. He gives me a purpose that is to be his companion and to love him unconditionally and eternally.

Dear God, granted this happens I shall only wish for our bond, my life that is him, my family and loved ones. Thank You.

© Prayer to Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 318

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