Prayers reached Shirdi on August 12, 2009

© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories

Sai sister Nikila who took prayers to Shirdi has returned and sent me a detailed mail how prayers were kept at Holy Feet of Lord Sainath Maharaj.


Om Sai Ram


We left for Manmad by the 6 am train. Just before we started there started a downpour. I said Baba, “You please give us lovely weather” and He did. No rain and no sun just cool weather all through.

All the letters sent to Saima reached Baba’s feet on 12/08/09. It was truly a beautiful experience. We had wonderful darshan. All the letters were taken to the Samadhi Mandir and kept at Saima’s feet over the Samadhi. They were returned by the poojari with flowers from the Samadhi – an acceptance of all the fervent prayers of our Sai brothers and sisters. Baba blessed the beautiful padukas by placing them at His feet and Samadhi. We went to Dwarkamai and Baba continued His mercy and blessings by not only blessing the printouts of the letters I could take to Him but even kept them there! The person said what do you want me to do. I said please just leave it there next to the divine large life picture of Baba and he just left it there. I prayed to Baba for all the devotees’ wishes to be granted. Saima knows best. Then chavadi and all the Ganesh, Shani and Shiva mandirs. After a wonderful darshan we went to Sai prasadalaya where Baba continued His grace and fed us a wonderful lunch from His prasadalaya. Baba’s blessings are with one and all. So not only were the letters kept at Feet of the lord but left in Dwarakamai for our divine mother to read all!

Samastha loka sukhino bhavantu Thank you baba for making me an instrument in delivering the letters.

Om Shri Sai Ram

Nikila Pandya

© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 218


  1. Thank you Nikhilaji for taking the prayers. I have also sent a prayer and am very happy to hear that the prayers were not only accepted but were left at Baba's feet. This is an excellent service and am thankful to all that are involved in doing this.

    May Sai bless us all!!

  2. Sai Ramji Anonymous ji,

    All is Baba's sweet wish and will !!!

    May He bless us all…

    Jai Sai Ramji
    Sai Ki Deewani
    Hetal Patil

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