Prayers Will Be Taken To Shirdi On May 5, 2011

Sai brother Satish is going to Shirdi next month and as always he is eager to take prayers with him for Lord Sai Baba. Below is his mail:

Sairam sis…

I am going to shirdi on may 5th and will return back on may 7th.

Please ask all sai devotees to send in their prayers to my below email Id.




© Your Prayers to Sai Baba in Shirdi

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 218


  1. Hey Sadguru Sainath,

    I apologize for sending you my prayer on last day of before your devotee is coming to meet you. Please Sai, many apologize for my big mistake.
    Sainath, I received your miracle and here by Thanking You for giving me the materialistic thing which I wanted. I am sorry Sai for asking that but I have no option to survive here alone.

    Now Sai please give me non-materialistic thing, i.e. make my mind free from inner enemies and get rid out from them. I have severe concentration problem please make my mind stable and concentrated on whatever thing I am doing in that specific second.

    Help me out Sai from this mental disease. Praying to you with whole heartedly.

    Sacchidanad Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay!

    Kind regard

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