Praying Sai For Blessing Me With Flawless Skin – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India: Hello Sai devotees, I hail from Tamilnadu. I am an ardent Sai devotee for more than 2 years. I am suffering from pimple problems for more than 4 years. Before that everything was fine. I don’t know how this acne issue started. This thing hurts me a lot when I stand in public. I cried like hell to Baba to help me in curing this. It has gotten even worse now. I don’t like to see my face in mirror now. I avoid functions and meeting my friends due to this. I tried drinking Uḍi mixed in water referred by one of the devotees on this blog. That didn’t work out. I have done lot of sins in the coming years as I had suffered from a disorder. May be Baba is punishing me for that. So in order to clear out my sins and get flawless skin, I started chanting Sai’s name whenever I get time. I promised Baba that if all my problems don’t get rectified within the specified time, I told Him that I will come and stay in Shirdi forever embarrassed of facing others. I beg Baba to save me from this very soon. Om Sai! I pour my heart out to my beloved Sai and assure that I will stop eating non veg forever in my lifetime for that. I will post my prayer experience definitely on the expereinces blog as soon as it is answered.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


  1. dear devotee, Baba will always help us, but we need to do our bit too; Please go see a dermatologist. or even go to a local pharmacy and ask for medication. Baba will surely reduce the problem

  2. Sai please take me out of this world. Instead of going through manipulated attacks by using everyone around me. please devotees pray for me to leave this world. Lost trust in this portal too. Just my thought. Sai only can help me.

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