Answer The Prayers And Save Me From Humiliation – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA:

I live in USA and have been a Baba devotee for a few years Thank You for this wonderful team here and to the one who has created this medium for us to share our prayers and experiences.

Baba You know all the wishes that I have for my daughter, son and family. You know my daughter has been trying for a job for the last 8 months but nothing concrete has materialized. Can You please help her? All her friends have got jobs even though they have worse grades than her. Why Baba, what has she done wrong? Why are You punishing her? Already she has been punished enough by getting admission to a college thousands of miles away. What wrong has she done to suffer like this? I know I said I will accept what You give but for last two years none of my wishes materialized. Please work Your miracles Baba. You know the 7 wishes I have. Om Sairam.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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