Shirdi Sai Prayers From Sai Devotee Damber from Australia:

Saima’s blessing required.
Om Sai Ram! Thank you for the prayer warriors for going through my prayer request and praying for us. I have few things I want to request for prayer.

My son’s health:
My son’s health has been a great concern to us. He gets cough and cold very easily and does not leave him easily. Recently we took him to doctor who advised some tonic and he was well. Now again after a week he has very bad cough. Please pray for him so that he does not have any health issues.

2. My wife’s Period Pain: My wife always gets hereditary period pain and it is really painful. I have been asking her to pray to Sai which she does but tells me that she has been praying to God and none of God had helped. Please pray for her to get rid of pain.

3. My Long term wishes: I have been conveying to Sai to fulfil my wishes. I was so happy when company came forward for sponsorship visa which later on could be converted to PR, however with negative skill assessment the company cannot do anything now. Sai Ma I know You are trying to fulfil my other wishes(which You know very well) that is why this one is not successful. As per Your Q & A 2 replies You said my wishes will be fulfilled in 8 & 10 days respectively. Please fulfil it so that we can have our PR soon. Also one time You mentioned that it is not in my fate but will be fulfilled by Sai- Ma I am waiting for it.

4. Baby planning: Sai Ma, our few months try for baby has not been successful. Ma please help my wife to get pregnant soon and we are praying for daughter. Please bless us.

5. Call us to Shirdi: Saima please call us to Shirdi ASAP. Let my son and wife believe in You. Please help them to believe in You through Your miracles in our life. Please bless us so that my wishes (which You Know) comes true ma.

Thank you everyone for your prayers. Sai Ma bless you all abundantly. Om Sairam!

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471

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