Kindly Burn The Black Magic Done On Our Family – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India:

I am from India.
Baba, I am unable to bear this black magic done by my sister-in-law, dodamma etc. as told by a fore teller. I am not loved by my family and relatives and I always fall sick. My brother was trapped by my sister-in- law with black magic and was got married. My father is also fully under her control. He hurts me a lot. I just told him regarding Covid safety and he cursed me that I should get destroyed and my sister-in-law should reach heights. My father was a very loving person but now?

 Even I cursed him in anger, please forgive him and give my parents long and healthy life as they are helpful to the society and kindly punish me for my misbehaviour. My eldest brother is not married as he is also trapped; we are targeted because of education and property. Baba, You are our only Saviour, kindly help us and destroy the black magic from this world. Let no person in world suffer from it. Om Sairam! 

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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