Prayer To Sai Baba For Blessed Union – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India:

I am a devotee of Baba for many past years now.
Sai Baba only You can understand the predicament I am in and the hardships I have felt for last past years. I love this person truly so much but only You can make our union possible and remove any obstacles from our path. I am ready to tackle any obstacle with this person with me. Just please make this person mine again. I have grown a lot in our separation but now I want to grow in life with this person together. 

This person is so special that this person is everything for me. I have ever wanted and more. You are the only one Who can pull all of the strings together and make this happen for me. I promise I will never ask You for anything else ever (besides health of family). This is my most sincere and one true wish. Please Sai bring us together again with Your blessing. Remove all blockages in our path. Make this person know that I am the one for them. There is no one else made for us. It is just each other. I am in so much love with this person. Make sure they are not just lonely but realize that they truly miss me and have strong feelings for me. Please bless us with Your blessing.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471

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