Shirdi Sai Prayers From Sai Devotee Gajalakshmi S from USA: I’m from US and also part of the Mahaparayan group Om Sairam!
Baba You are sarvantaryami and know everything. Whenever we are in trouble we are used to speak with our parents and get some relief. Similarly Baba whatever problem comes, now a days I’m sending my prayer request through this site. It feels like we have informed to our Sai Appa and He will definitely save us from harm.
Baba, because of Your blessings my father has undergone spinal surgery without any problems. My father has got kidney problem before surgery itself and was taking medicines. However post surgery the certain values got increased. My father is still in hospital. Now they are taking another test to check whether dialysis is needed or not. Baba, please already my father’s age is 78 and he has undergone major surgery just week before and again another problem that we can’t even imagine. Please cure his kidney problem by medicines alone, Baba and make him to walk independently. His legs are swollen because of kidney issue. Baba, we are at Your feet and sincerely praying for my father to cure his kidney problem and shower Your blessings towards my parents and give them healthy and long life.
Om Sairam!
© Prayer to Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com