Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee From India:
I am a working woman in Gurgaon.
I am 35 years old and one thing one wished my whole life and which I worked hard for is a good handsome salaried job in my interested field of data analytics ( specially the( Risk modelling and analytics field in banks). I have just completed my Ph.D in the same field and also did many courses earlier for getting good salaried wished job. I have been studying since my childhood and even after marriage. But I have very less salary of just 5 lacs per annum as compared to my qualification. Now I feel that I am not made for good salaried job as my spoken English is not much fluent and I want to have a good better job in Gurgaon itself as I am a single child of my parents and I lost my brother in the past.
Now I want to live in Gurgaon near my parents. It’s a three hour way to my parents’ house.
Baba knows all my journey. I wished to work for RBI in financial risk analytics team but in Gurgaon. With all such constraints now I am getting depress day by day and loosing confidence and feel like giving up and not to struggle anymore. I want to make my parents proud on me as his colleagues feel when they talk about their children’s high salaried jobs. Now it’s high time I want to be a mother also and can’t invest me more for a good job. Please Baba help me, guide me and bless me with a good high salaried job in my interested field in Gurgaon itself. I am planning to send summary of my thesis to RBI. Baba, if You think it is good for me then please help me that they like my work and give me a job in Risk and data analytics in Gurgaon with good salary. This is my story.
My husband is also trying for better salaried job in Gurgaon itself.He clears all interviews but don’t know what happens as things don’t materialize and he doesn’t get the offer letter. His English is also not that good and fluent. Please give him also a good better salaried job in Gurgaon.
This is my wish for my husband and me. Baba, please help.
© Prayer to Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com