Prayers will be Taken to Shirdi on January 26, 2016

Om Sai Ram Hetal ji

Sai Baba has called us to have His Divine Darshan on Sunday i.e. 26th January. I would love to take the prayers to His lotus feet. Devotees may send their prayers by 24th January 5 pm, as we will be leaving on that day. If any prayers reach after that I won’t be able to take the print out, but I will write on a piece of paper and take it to Baba.

You can send the prayers at

© Your Prayers to Sai Baba in Shirdi

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 218


  1. Hetal ji please check this is mail id for me mail got failed permanently, please post the correct email is
    Thank you
    Om sai ram

  2. Dear Devotee,
    It is correct email id. I have just sent my prayer and it didn't failed.
    Please check again.

    Om Sai Ram

  3. Sorry heatl ji, I sent through mobile by mistakenly when I copy the mail id , before mail id itself copied as at as atcharutalwar so that only it failed , sorry for the trouble, i sent successfully thank you and sorry once again om sai ram

  4. Sai ram please solve all the confusion in my family ..bless me to marry soon as I wish… You are my everything sai ..

  5. sai baba ji u know about my all queries so plz.remove my all problems now. Its too late now. aap hamesha mere saath rehna baba ji.

  6. Please fulfill the wish you granted in a dream, where you appeared on March 2014. In return – if humanly possible – I will come to Shirdi and visit any needed Indian medical facilities. Randy

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