Prayers Reached Shirdi On September 27, 2015

Om Sai Ram,

By the grace of sai baba, we had wonderful divine darshan of Baba. We offered your prayer in the lotus feet of Baba and prayed to Him to fulfill all your wishes. May you and your family be happy and may you always be under His protection.


Priya (

© Your Prayers to Sai Baba in Shirdi

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 218


  1. Thanks a lot Priyaji..for taking our prayers to Baba's lotus feet….!!!!
    May Baba bless U and ur family…!!!! 🙂

  2. I need courage to live single baba and please do one thing please i want to live with my family please help me to resolve al things

  3. I need his blessing. I know he is always with us. yet I need his more attention. because we are in hard time. Pls join my name in group prayers. pls help me baba to come out of all my problems

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