Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers from Anonymous Devotee from USA: Om Sai Ram. I thank you heartily Baba as you are the one who brought me to this website. My sincere thanks to Hetal ji and team as you are helping people know about Baba’s miracles and thereby increasing the hope.
I love a guy from my under graduation. He loves me too. He was the one who approached me first. He used to be very nice. He is an independent and organized person. We used to love and respect each other when we used to be in India. We both came to the USA for doing our masters, but in different states. We used to talk to each other a lot. After a month the way he talked has changed. I went to his place once and I found a big difference in him. Later on I came to know that he likes some other girl there. When I asked him about that he used to say it is nothing like that. He used to avoid me. That was the time Baba took me in his hands. I used to pray to Him. I used to cry in front of Him. I was all alone as my parents are back in India and the guy who I believed is no more mine.
After some days I came to know that he loved that girl and she loved him too. But she left him within a month. And then he came back to me saying that he needs me. I accepted him thinking that mistakes are made by everyone and they are to be corrected. We used to stay together from then for about 7 months. He then left for his job. From then he never used to talk to me. When I asked him why he is not talking he used to say that I cannot live with you and he said he never loved me. I am completely broken without him. He was the only guy I trusted all through my life. I have no one with me now except Baba. I can share all my problems only with him. I just have hope on Baba that he will bring the guy back to me. I love him and cannot live without him. Please Baba! change him back to the way he used to be. Change his mind set. Bless him to go in a right way. You are my only hope Baba. I was crying for him from about an year. I know him and I loved him for 5 years. I cannot imagine my life without him. Please help me Baba as You are the only one who can understand my pain. My hope increases when I think that You are with me. We both once visited Shirdi together. I then thought that Your blessings are with us. So please make him come back to me. Om Sai Ram.
Have Faith and Patience and He shall bless you with love & happiness soon 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Please have faith in sai baba.
May be he is trying to hint you that what you are choosing us not what is good for you. Just assess your friend once again in a third person perspective.
Just imagine if the other girl would have stayed with him, he would not have looked at you in spite of your years of love. He seems to be like moody and selfish and trying to use you rather than understand you. He is not thinking before hurting you. Sorry for being rude.
Just leave everything at the feet of sai. He will show you the path. He will create situations that's right for you.
I'm sai Ram
Dear devotee….Om sairam. Offer your relationship at the feet of our baba. Leave everything to him and pray. The rest he will take care. From your prayer it clearly shows that you are true in your relationship. But that guy is not true. If he is true he would have not left you the first time itself. Again you are saying that he is not responding you. So think hard about it whether he is true in your relationship.By baba's grace even if he comes back now, is there any assurance he will not leave you the next time? Every time will you keep praying for him? Im sorry for being negative and harsh. Please forgive me if i hurt you. The reason Im talking like this because I was also in a similar stage 6 months back. I too was in a relationship with a worthless guy for 5 years. I even convinced my parents that I will marry him and my parents too accepted. After all these he told that he was in love with another girl. I even did nav guruvar vrat for 5 times. But its due to my previous birth sins and past karmas Im going through all these. I left it to baba. And baba only showed the true colours of that worthless guy. Even now I used to cry to baba but not to give him back. Instead to forget him and move on with my life. I was very true. But he was not at all. If he was true he would not have gone behind another girl. The same thing happened to me sister. That's the reason Im advicing you to take a good decision. These days guys are just thinking girls as time pass. Im not blaming all but few. So please think about it and take a wise decision. Actually today is that worthless guy's birthday and when i see the experience page your's have come which is similar to mine which made me to write to you. Im a very sensitive, emotionally weak girl. But now Ive changed a lot. We girls have to be independent. Again Im sorry if Im harsh. Please forgive me. Maybe baba is telling you something through me. I will definitely pray for you sister. If he is a good guy surely baba will return him back. If not baba will bless you with a true good soul match for you. Please forgive me if Im wrong. Omsairam
Om Sai Ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai ram,,,don't worry have faith on baba and be positive u will get ur love back with all the love and care. Om Sai Ram
I was reading saisath charitra for my brother. He was trying for last 6 years. Thank you Baba for giving job to my brother.
Baba please help me. .give me happy. .please give my love back.I want him baba..please baba I cnt leave with out him please help me..