Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers from Anonymous Devotee from India: Hello to Sai devotees in the universe. I’m really very blessed to post my experience here. Thanks Hetal ji for this blog for letting all devotees to share their experiences and having faith to grow stronger on Baba and live life with a positive attitude.
I’m a doctor from India who is still not married and struggling in all ways in life. I believe whatever happens in my life is for a reason. I met a person in my IG days and really like him a lot and hesitated because my parents won’t accept and then finally he proposed me and I accepted praying to God. Life was beautiful after that. I believed only Baba sent him to me to take care of me. After we completed UG we told our parents, his parents accepted and mine did not. I faced hell out of problems, I was not allowed outside, beaten up so many torture and I’m still living only in the faith that I have on Baba. We faced a very huge problem and his parents started hating me after that and he stopped talking to me. In the meantime I was facing still all the problems at home like an orphan, really i had lost all the hope on living, I can tell you that only faith on Baba is keeping me still alive.
Then one day in 2016, he started talking and it was same old beautiful days in my life Baba was giving me. I really felt only because of Baba he talked to me again. Meanwhile my dad fell sick and everyone blamed me for it and blackmailed me to marry the person they see and still blackmailing me. I can’t take all this Baba. Why are You not helping me and now again my boyfriend has blocked me since a week I feel like committing suicide. You helped me and walked with me all through troubles. I only pray to make my marriage happen with the person I love, with both our parents blessings . Please forgive me for my misdeeds Baba. I don’t have anyone else other than You and him. I want to live my life happily with Your blessings. Please, please, please Baba make him talk to me and bless us with our marriage. Really Baba I’m dying here, but just because of the faith on You I’m still living. Please friends, please do pray for me. Om Sai Ram.
Dear sister, have enormous Faith and Patience!
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
May baba bless you with all the happiness. Om Sai Ram
Please do sai divya pooja
Sai divya pooja for 9weeks
If baba is there he will definitely give better in life but problem is why babaji is not listening and testing some people so much.
Baba it is time to show n prove that you are here for us.
I am 33 single and jobless why you are not blessing me i waited for 5 years and you are not listening.
Place your faith at His Lotus Feet and He shall fill your life with love, soon 🙂
Jai Sairam
Keep faith in Sai Baba. He is there inside you watching all the pains that you are enduring. But i think the problem in your case is you are percieving your problem with more sevrity than you have bhakthi on your sai.
Sai wants you to leave your sorrows at his feet and concentrate on his preachings such as helping needy, donating, serving, shradha, Saburi, respecting even enemies etc. Once you do that he will change entire situation in split second.
Believe me i faced the same situation and one day i told myself that i know i am completely devoted to Sai baba and hence he would be watching all the pains that i am going through so why worry about them. He probably might be waiting for a right time or at times for you to realise how strong you are to deserve a good situation in your life. Thats when thing started changing, everyone around me started helping me and solving the situations in their own ways and finally i am freed of the problem.
Dear devotee, please do sai satcharithra paraayan in one week and perform annadhaan on one of the thursdays. You will see his bliss.
Om sai ram!1
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Jai Sai Ram..Save her from pain
Dear sister, Please keep Shradha and Saburi. Baba will bless you soon.