Seeking For Sai Miracle To Cure My Illness And Resolve My Relationship Issue And Unite Us For Life – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers from Anonymous Sai Devotee: Om Sai Nathaya Namaha. I place my life on Your Feet and plead to You for a miracle in my life! Oh Sai, I am suffering from a leg injury and going through some issues in my relationship. Oh Sai, I beg for Your miracle in curing my illness immediately and uniting me with Ravichandran (the man I am in love with) permanently before end September this year by helping him to sort out the issues at his end amicably.

I am in love with this guy who is living abroad. I fell in love with him sometime back and as he went abroad we lost touch. But I have always been in love with him and never was able to really move on with my life. Three years before i became a Sai devotee whilst I was feeling hopeless in life due to an illness and not being able to unite with the person I am in love with. It was then I experienced Sai blessings towards me as I was cured well and as soon as I recovered all of a sudden one day to my surprise Sai brought this person I am in love with into my life again.

I was made to understand that though my guy has moved on with his life he has been having a tough time and his life was not happy and peaceful. From this moment we have been in touch again and I observed nine weeks Sai Vratham to unite us. Last year Sai blessed us with an opportunity to meet again and made us realise our love for each other more than ever before. We were also blessed by Sai where He made us visit one of his shrines and made my guy place kumkum on my forehead. This was the most divine moment where I strongly believed that Sai will only let something like that happen when it was meant to be. It was the most happiest time in my life and my guy too felt lot of happiness in our meeting and even went on to talk about our future together and told me that if God willing we will be together soon.

In the meantime I had applied for visa to go to the country he is living to settle down with him and Sai blessed me with the visa soon after our meeting last year. This was again a sign that our desire to be together was guided by Sai and I was super excited. However, my guy has to sort things out at his end for us to settle down together. Everything was going on well between us and I was so hoping to go and settle down with him end last year. However, from last September I am experiencing some bad period and our relationship too has taken a beating. Suddenly one day he said I will not be able to be in touch with him for some time and he will contact me due to some unresolved issues at his end. Add to this I met with an accident as well. But when I called on that day as I needed to speak to him so badly, he was still loving and caring and when I expressed my fear about him not talking to me, he assured me by asking me to relax and stated that “he was going through some issues at his end and may be it’s all happening for good and he will sort things out once in for all and call me soon”. But there was no contact from him and I thought perhaps he needs more time to resolve his issues and waited patiently putting off my travel plan to this year. Then I had another accident and injured my leg and didn’t know whether I could travel. I have been praying to Sai all the time and I finally received a message from him for my birthday. And when I checked about my travel plan he suggested to make a quick visit to validate visa and return to my country and that he will meet me briefly as he is going through job changes. Realizing that he is going through issues in his job and as i was also having my injury, i decided to heed to his advice and make a short trip.

Beginning of this year, as per his advise I made the visit and after much persuasion he met me briefly. During this time I came to realisation that he has still not sorted his issues, as he apologized for things for not turning out the way I expected and stated that it could change once I come to settle down in his country. Though he spent some brief time with me, we were blessed to visit a temple that he had promised to take me one day if God’s willing, and this happened on his birthday. This too I believe is God’s blessing for us. His behaviour and talk, only revealed that he still loves me but seemed confused on sorting his issues out. Slowly our communication were getting back to normalcy and we were reconnecting. I was also slowly making progress with my recovery. He said in God’s time I will be able to come to his country and God’s willing we will be together. But then again, suddenly his communication reduced and he seemed withdrawn. Whenever I call or message, he keeps telling that he will contact me but it wasn’t happening. Again I was so confused as there was no issues between us and was at a loss not knowing what to do. I have only been praying to Sai seeking his help on resolving all issues and uniting us soon. From last two months, there is some response from his end via message and he has been saying he will call but didn’t, then I receive a message this week stating that he is recovering from depression and not in the frame of mind to talk to anyone and he will be in touch soon. Today again I received a message thanking for being concerned and not to worry that he will be done soon and whatever is meant to happen will happen. As much as I am happy that he at least sent a message but his statement of “whatever is meant to happen will happen” worries me as it seems to be an uncertain statement. I am not sure whether he is saying this as he is in a depression situation but I am really worried that he is not confirming that we will be together with a definite statement.

It looks like we are going through some bad period and our lives and relationship is facing challenges. That’s why i seek Sai to come and save this relationship and unite us together soon. Sai is the one who brought him (love of my life) back into my life and beginning of last year allowed him to show his true love towards me and for the first time in our relationship made him to give me real hope that we will be together soon and also blessed me by granting the visa which I applied for the main reason to go and settle down with this man i love. But since late last year there seem to be some delay and obstacles in us uniting together. My man seem to be deliberating on this thought and not having the strength to sort his issues out. Hence, I am begging for a Sai miracle to save this relationship and make my man stand by his word to me without letting me down and sort out issues at his family end and marry me soon.

So I am pleading for a miracle prayer to Sai to please cure us both soon and take away all obstacles against us and sort all issues preventing us getting married in an amicable way and unite us both this time for life. I have been waiting for a life with him for so long and I plead to Sai for a miracle in uniting us soon this year and bless us with a child and a life together in peace and harmony. Oh Sai, I am begging for Your blessings and miracle. Please pray for me to Sai to get well soon and for him to speak to me soon and take me to his country and unite me with him before end of this year at least. And at the same time Sai to give him the strength to sort things out soon and marry me. I am pleading to Sai to save this relationship and restore the happiness in my life with his miracle. I plead to Sai to bless me with his miracle by curing me immediately and making him speak to me soon and uniting us soon for life. Oh Sai please answer my prayers. I am pleading to You as I can’t bear the pain in my heart of missing him. Please make him speak to me. Om Sai Ram.

© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 218


  1. Om Sai ram
    My prayers for you is that you get clarity about the person you want to settle down . Ask baba to do things his way and not what you want because you don't know what is good for you.

  2. Om Sai ram,

    Sister dont worry baba will definetly hear your prayers. Sister, although your guy in depression is staying away from everyon and from you, I feel that he really needs you to get a support from you. Ofcourse I really dont know what are the things that are hindering him and he is trying hard to sort those. But to sort them out, may be he needs your support and may be he himslef doesnot that needs your support to sort out his issues. Sister, if by baba's grace if your guy contact you, assure him that you will support him in all means. Just ask him if by any means you can try to sort out the issues. If not you both together can sort out the issues. So ask him if you can support him or try to sort his issues being together. Just give him your love and trust. Above all tell him that, baba is there with you both and he will definetly show you a way to sort out your lives. You will be in my prayers sister. Dont worry. I am also in same situation. By baba's grace I got my guy back again three weeks ago and he started talking to me again..but our marriage issue is not solved because my parents are not agreeing. I am fighting for my marriage, but I really have very less time. I amjust living only because of baba and my faith on him. Anyway sister dont worry. keep praying and praying, whatever may come. Just pray and have trust on baba. He will show you a way.

    Baba, please give your daughter her love back and also please sort her guy's issues so that no soon they can reunite. Please help your devotee baba.

    Om sai ram

  3. Dear Devotee,
    I have a doubt from your end, the couple who is loving each other mostly will never be like this, but your's are different, usually the couple will share everything each other, everyday, so that they could get relax. But please try to know what are those issues preventing him talking with you and has not he called his home? or any of his friends? why he can't call you then? If he calls his home, defnitely should call you too, because you are his future right? Or else there should be some serious issued at his mind about you… But whatever, rest assurd, leave it to baba, he will do best for you, I know this pain but don't forget baba's power, he is omnipresent, he only can heal you, so keep on praying him, say his name, don't think too much, everything will be alright. Baba's decisions will never harm anything. So don't worry, lets c…We all will pray for you to your mental peace. Om Sai Ram….

  4. Sai Ram.
    Pls pray for me… I m going through he'll in my work place. It's because of my mistake. I m accepting tat nd apologise for it nd never do tat in my life
    Pls pray for me every thing my Euston settle soon without any problems. Baba shouldn't affect my job. Pls baba I m realised mistake nd be with me. Sleeper nights in life. Baba PLS Forgive Me. . Will post Mey miracle once everything settle. Jai sai ram.

  5. Dear devotee,

    Saibaba knows what's right. Have trust in SaiBaba !! You said you were settling down last year but got delayed and you met with an accident too. I believe God has better plans with you. You said the guy is in depression n his talking patterns are not normal….by his behavior he seems to be buying time. Saibabahelps all. But God helps those who help themselves . As you pressurized more, he came to meet but by his responses , I feel he's involved somewhere else and just keeping you on hold. Please involve your family n friends n check his reality. Don't go blindly. You may spoil your life. And now he's telling you once you settle down in that country, things will be sorted. Once you are there, God forbid, if my guess is right, you will be trapped and it will be very tough for you to come back. There are many such incidents happening. References may be seen on net. No real man will behave like he did / doing. He doesn't seems a right person to me. Please use your Brain too. May Sai baba help all n give good wisdom to all too !! Om Sai Ram !! Shri Sachidananda, Anant koti Brahamand Nayak Rajadhirah yogiraj Samarth sadguru SaiRam Maharaja ki Jai !!

  6. Dear Sir / Madam,

    Thank you so much for help in forwarding all our prayers to Shridi. I am strong devotee of Shri Sai Baba. Our life is good and Baba has blessed us with good family and health. However I have problem which is giving us lot of mental worries and stress. My father rented out his property in Chennai, India. That person named Manohar did not pay the rent properly during his tenure He neither paid rent nor vacated the property. After numerous effort and request in vacating him, we decided to file a legal claim against him and the case is now in court for 4 years. He raised many false complaint against us and trying to cheat as much as possible. Even the lawyers we approached are not trustworthy and we feel we are cheated. Now i have no one to help except Baba. My father will be 70 years by January next year and he is struggling so much alone in India. Me being working in Australia not able to provide him physical support as well. It will be very much helpful if you could take my prayer to Baba and with his blessing i am sure all sorrows will be over like dew on sunshine.

    thank you so much for your support. Om Sai Ram.



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