Shirdi Sai Prayers From Sai Devotee Janani from India: Om Sai Ram. I am a 24 year old girl from Tamilnadu. My 4 posts had been posted already on this site. Saying Thank you is not enough to appreciate the work done by the admin of this page. I am not only writing to fulfill the owe made by me to Baba if something happens as per the wish. Whenever I am writing here I feel very light like I am speaking to Baba directly.

Many times I promised to Baba that if it happens I will post this, but after the thing goes right I forget about it. Like this many posts are pending from my side. For the past five months whenever I try to write my experience something goes wrong and I couldn’t write. . Now Baba blessed me to write. Thank You Baba thank You so much for being in my life.

I am such an unlucky person throughout my life. First I lost my father, then in between many things that I cannot write here, after graduation I didn’t get a suitable job and now I am being jobless for almost three years. I am the worst example now amongst my relatives. Even my mom has started to say that. My brother is the only person earning in my family now. That’s not enough to carry our family. We are lower middle class family and have lot of debts. My only wish is to help them. My mom borrowed some money from her sister for my studies. She won’t like me from my childhood. I want to stand on my own legs before these people. I am writing lot of exams but not getting positive result. I feel ashamed to ask money even for my application from my brother because he is insulting me by saying anyhow you are going to fail. Baba You know what I am going through please bless me. Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai.

© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


  1. Your luck is changing for the better from the moment you have found Him. May He bless you and yours with happiness and peace.

    Jai Sairam

  2. Baba i have left everything on you i will not ask for anything i have full faith that whatever job you will bless me with will be best for me please don't leave me Baba i love YOU Baba Om SaiRam

    • Yeah even tthough I'm unemployed and fighting competition just like you and parents not as good but still I'll help you cause you are my Sai family

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