Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India: I am 29 year old girl living in Bangalore. I am a good because of Baba’s grace. But my personal life is in turmoil, and feel like Baba has left me.
I had been praying to Baba for more than 3 years from now for my marriage. My parents have stopped going to all social gatherings and they are praying to Baba for one and only one thing. After my break up in 2014, I accept whatever Baba did was for my good, still believe it so in my heart. Fixed marriage twice, that broke, I still did not lose hope. You sent someone in my life whom I really loved and prayed to You. You took him away from me. Again through matrimony another proposal came and I felt he was a good person and believed in You. That too ended. Baba if You do not want me to get married, please tell me that. Please do not make me go through the pain again and again. How can You close Your eyes when I cry while I sleep everyday with Your photo in hand? Please do not abandon me. Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa.
Hi sis plz do parayan of siddha mangala stotram 12 times every day for 40 days with full faith, after completing it donate food for 11 peoples,along with that do satcharitra parayan have shraddha and saburi baba will definetly help you don't worry.
May He bless you and yours with happiness and peace.
Jai Sairam
Sai Ram
Dear sister, pray to Baba for giving you the best in life. While you keep praying for that, one more thing that you need to keep in mind is that stop worrying about what society, relatives, friends or anyone thinks about you, your break-up, why you are not getting married, etc, etc. Your life is your own- whatever good or bad is yours, no one else other than your parents need to worry about it. The minute you reconcile yourself to this fact of not worrying about what people think, you will feel very relieved. You have to do it consciously.Then the only thing remains is how to maintain your calm and peace and not cry yourself to sleep everynight- for that our Hetalji and Pooja ji have through Baba's grace started the Naam Jaap initiative. even if you cannot be a part of that, just keep chanting Sai Sai Sai and blank out your thoughts towards any other see how automatically things fall in place. And when I say 'fall in place' it does not mean that you will get married (don't think once you get married life will be peaceful:-) ). its only that society will not bother you – for some time! everything else leave all worries and thoughts. Its easy to feel miserable. It takes a Sai Child to be brave and you should be one!!! Ella ollede aaguthe..Baba na meley bitt bidu!!Just chant Sai Sai, every minute, every second. Tell your parents also. If you don't feel peaceful, write back on this comment. I will be watching out!! Om Sai Ram! Lots of blessings always.
Don't worry sister our Sai is with us and see you have your Sai family I know it's so hard but worrying won't help and will also hinder the progress we are with you Sai is with you, it's our past karmas so do good, get Good