Please Help Me My Sai Maa – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers from Anonymous Sai Devotee from India: Om Sai Ram! I am a student from India currently pursuing master’s in USA. I would like you to send my prayers to Baba. These days I am undergoing a lot of pressure leading me to depression. This is mainly because of job search and losing my loved one. Everything seemed to be fine in my life till last year. But however, things change drastically and I and my boyfriend got separated because there was a resistance from his family for our marriage as we belong to different castes. I know Baba doesn’t like differences about caste, religion etc. As a result, my boyfriend was under pressure by his family and was threatened to be abandoned if he continued this relation and spoke to me. This was having a lot of effect on me both physically and mentally and that is when I came close to Baba. I have started reading Satcharitra and did Nav Guruvar Vrat and started going to temple every thursday. I still believe in Baba that He will reunite us. Coming to my Job search, Baba unexpectedly blessed me with an Internship this summer and it helped me in this phase of depression. Now I am looking for full time positions and Baba gave me a couple of opportunities and I attended the interviews. Though Baba gave me positive signs I still couldn’t clear them. I pray to Baba from bottom of my heart to please help me out of this situation and bless me with a good job and marriage with my boyfriend. I put my head on Your feet and pray with a heavy heart to take care of this child and fulfill my wishes. I am staying away from my parents and these tensions added to me is making me more depressed. Please Baba I beg You to take care of Your child and bless me by fulfilling these wishes. Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa, Sai Maa.

© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471

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