Baba, Why Did You Let Me Down? – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India: Baba, I prayed a lot and begged You to take my life but give admission to my daughter. But Why Baba, why did You not do that? I know You may have have bigger plans for her which I am not able to see due to my short vision. Please Baba, help us. Please let my daughter get admission in the college she wants. They are reconsidering here, so Baba, You can change their mind. Please Baba do that and let them give admission.

What do You want me to do Baba? I will start the Nav Guruwar Vrat again starting this Thursday. You know I was sick last week, hence I could not do the pooja, and then on friday we got the bad news of the college. Are You punishing me Baba. Please punish me but not my daughter. She has spent last 4 years working towards this and her whole life depends on this. Baba please please I beg You Baba. Please give her admission to the college she wants. I will do whatever pooja You want Baba. Please tell me what else I should do? What more can I do. I am leaving everything to You Baba. You are the only one Who can change our destiny. Please Baba, help. Om Sai Ram, Jai Sai Maa, Jai Sai Maa, Jai Sai Maa, Jai Sai Maa, Jai Sai Maa, Jai Sai Maa, Jai Sai Maa, Jai Sai Maa, Jai Sai Maa.

© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


  1. Babaji..plz bless all the know everything about me that how much i love my husband..plz reunite us..without him i cann't live..if i had done any mistakes plz forgive you sai..plz bless me & my family..jai sai ram,jai sai ram,jai sai ram, jai sai ram, jai sairam,jai sai ram,jai sai ram..

  2. Calm down everything we get is as per our karmas but dindo worry if you are doing good you'll get good Om Sai Ram

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