Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from New Zealand: I am living overseas with my husband from past 11 years and very worried about my career. I am trying very hard to find a job that I would enjoy and pays well but that’s not happening. I have prayed many times to Baba to give me a good job but it’s not happening. I am getting restless as I don’t enjoy my current work environment and every day is a battle for me to be in this job. This is also affecting my personal life and health. I am not in a situation where I can leave me job so I have to continue working till I don’t get right job that will boost my career. Please I want to pray for me that my mind is calm. It’s everywhere I need to get job, be fit to start family, buy house, support husband etc. All of these have taken a toll on me and I am not enjoying my life.

I really want to work on one thing at a time. I am so sorry Baba that I went to pandit yesterday. I am feeling guilty about me. Sai Baba please forgive me. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. I just keep thinking that I am not born merely to do job and pay bills. I really want to enjoy and live meaningful life. Please Baba I really want You to calm me down and help me concentrate on one thing at a time and be super fit and lose weight. If You don’t want me to give new job right now at least help me enjoy or make things better where I am presently working. Om Sai Ram. I am nothing without You. Om Sai Ram. I am really sorry for any mistakes I have done. Please Baba help me. I have no one apart from You Who can help me. I am sorry Baba. I really love You. I am sorry Baba. Baba please help my hubby to thrive in his business and bless everyone in my family health, wealth, long life and prosperity. Also help my dad to overcome his problems in business. Om Sai Ram.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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