Prayer For Health Issues – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from US:

Hi, I’m a small devotee of Sai. It has been a long time I read or wrote anything on this forum. I know I have become selfish that I started to forget what was happening around me.

Baba I’m here with a prayer. I am going for an important check-up today. I am really scared to death. With Your blessing I would like to proceed with it hoping to have good results. Whenever I had a problem You stood with me and again I’m here for the same. Please hold my hand tight. I am holding my faith tight on You and please be with me. Sorry for being away from You for a long. I know I always come to You only when I’m in need of You Baba. There have been many miracles for past few months which I haven’t shared yet. Surely I will do it soon Baba. Thank You very much for accepting me. Love You Baba.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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