Prayer Request For Change Of Grade Which Will Be Released Soon – Sai Devotee Shibani

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Sai Devotee Shibani from India:

I am Shibani and I love my Sai. I want to tell Him to take care of Himself also. He loves us so much but does He pay attention to Him. Eat well Sai. I can always feel Your beautiful presence. Keep blessing me Sai.

 Sai Baba as You know I have been going through a lot. But You have always hed me strong. And probably that’s the reason I am doing so fine today. Nothing is hidden from You. But You know my condition after I received that F Grade, and I always keep on thinking about it. But Baba I know You will find a way. You will love me again. Please Sai change my grade in C++ and Object oriented programming from F grade to O grade. Please my Sai. Please. I love You. Take care.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471

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