Baba Please Bless Me With H1 Visa Approval And A Good Long Term Project – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA:

I am a devotee of Sai from sometime and trust Him 100 % because Baba has showed His miracles many times for small and big things.
For some time now I don’t know why I feel very low and depressed. I know Baba will give everything I need at the correct time but I feel like I cannot take this test any longer.

 My long time wish of coming to US and getting a job was fulfilled by Baba but now Visa transfer is a problem. I feel that I am playing a game and at every level (wish)I need to cross His tests. I am really tired, Baba please bless me now. I might have done big sins in my past but continuously suffering for the past 2 years. Is it not enough? Sai please be with me. You know how much loneliness I am currently feeling. I keep crying unknowingly all the time. Baba, please make me strong to face Your tests or help me get rid of these problems. Please Baba be with me always…I need You badly Baba.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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