Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from US:

I am Sai’s daughter.
Please keep me anonymous, please don’t mention my name or email id.
Sai I am trying to lose my weight please help me Deva, it has become so much pressure for me Deva, You know what I am talking about Baba. Please don’t neglect or ignore me so much Deva, I have to lose weight as soon as possible. Sai please help me Deva. Please my Sai family pray for me. I need to lose weight as soon as possible.

I beg You Sai, please help me. Every time You promise me that You will help me by showing me some sign and You snatch it from me Deva. Please don’t do that Sai and please help me.
Whether You give or not I still love You my Sai.
The whole team is doing wonderful job by giving us opportunity to submit our prayers at our Deva’s feet.

Sai I need a job. Please, please Deva bless me with a job Sai.
Deva every time You assure me that You are giving me this job by showing me some positive hopes and I build those hopes trusting You and You snatch it away from me without even thinking about me. Deva please how much will You test me? Deva please give me a good job where I can balance my family life, my kids and then my career too.
Baba I am becoming worthless in front of friends. Sai please, Deva please help me. I need a job. I beg You please Deva.

Please my Sai family please pray for my job, please Sai.
I had got such a good opportunity, You showed all possibilities and then You did not give it. Why are You playing with my emotions Deva.

Whatever Sai whether You give or not I still, still Love you the same way or even more. My love for You will never decrease but it will always increase.
Please give me a job Sai in which I can balance both my family and career especially my kids Deva.
Love You Sai.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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