Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India:

Om Sai Ram, Wishes to Hetalji. I, am from India, have completed my studies and in search of a job.
When I was in B.Tech, I had a friend. He was so caring towards me and at that time itself he started loving me. But until we reached 4th year of B.Tech, he hadn’t proposed me and until then me too treated him as my best friend. Finally, he proposed last year, i.e., in January 2019.

I was very happy to get that proposal from him and I too said yes for his proposal. Everything was very nice and we were very happy together. Suddenly, we got some small disturbances in our relationship and small fights happened. But I had full hope that he won’t leave me whatever be the situation. But to my shock, suddenly in a day he said that we have to be away from each other. I asked him for the reason but he said due to some situations we have to be apart from each other. From then I lost my happiness, my everything because I love him a lot, more than anyone in this world. He also loves me a lot but what situations are making him to be away from me is not at all understandable to me. He is not talking with me, even if talk with him. He is just saying not to disturb him. But I can’t live without him. I want to marry him and live with him lifelong happily. I am praying Baba a lot to get my love back to me.

One thing is true, that he loved me in such a way, that no one in this world will love me in that way again, I know that. He loved me as much as my parents love me. It’s been around 5 months that he has been away from me. I am so worried about him. I want him back again to be with me and he shouldn’t leave me until my last breath. We should live together lifelong happily by marrying each other. This is my one and only one wish in my life, I want nothing more than this.

Please Baba, please fulfil my only wish and Hetalji, please pray Baba to fulfil my wish, please. If, again He loves me as before we can tell about our love in front our parents and can take their blessings also for our future. This is the only thing I want to be fulfilled. Baba, it is a very small thing for You to make my wish true, please give Your blessings to me and fulfil my wish as soon as possible. I’m unable to bare this pain any more Baba. You know everything Baba, please show Your mercy on me, please Baba please.

If I have done any mistakes in my life punish me Baba, I’m ready to take the punishment. But please don’t keep my love away from me Baba; I can’t bear that Baba, please. I have faith on You Baba, that You will definitely make my wish true. Hetalji, please pray Baba on behalf of me, please. This is my only wish in my life, please. I don’t want anything else than this, please.
Om Sairam!

 You are my faith, You are my everything Baba. I will follow Your words of “Shraddha” and “Saburi.”
Please answer my prayer and make my wish come true soon, please Baba.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471

One comment

  1. Shraddha = Faith. Which means not asking and crying but believing that He will get it done.

    Saburi = Patience. Which means you need to burn your Karma. The punishment that you are asking for.

    Have Shraddha and Saburi.

    May He bless you and yours with peace and happiness.

    Jai Sairam

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