Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA:

I want to be called as Sai’s daughter
Thanks Hetalji and team for providing this platform to submit our prayers. You don’t know what biggest solution this platform is providing for we devotees.
Everyone’s prayer will definitely help us to get what we are praying for.

 Deva You know very well what I am asking for Sai I am really, really working hard. It hurts me so much Deva but still I am not stopping. Please help me to achieve this thing Sai.

Why have You become blind and deaf in my case Deva?
Baba please, please help me to get a good job. Sai I really need a job Deva.
Please help me to get a job so that I can support my husband and help financially, please Sai.

Baba we have not gone to India from past 4 years. Deva please remove this Corona virus thing and help us plan the visit to India and more than anything I want to go to Shirdi Deva. Please Sai.
Please help us Sai.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


  1. God has not asked you to stay there in the USA forcefully. If things don’t work come back to India and have a good life here. Forget all the materialistic things you want there. Stop pitying yourself.

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