Prayer For My Husband And Family Member’s Health – Sai Devotee Gajalakshmi

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Sai Devotee Gajalakshmi from USA:

My name is Gajalakshmi and I’m a Sai devotee as of now living in US.
Om Sairam!

First of all I would like to thank Sai Appa for always being with us. I got married and mother of two kids with blessings of Sai Appa only. Couple of years ago my husband had fever. When we went to the hospital, they took ECG as a routine check and was diagnosed that he had a silent heart attack which we didn’t know at all. That was really a big shock to us. Though it’s hard to believe I was thanking God for letting us know and doctor advised to take medications till life time. Then he is taking medicines.

Two years ago we have come to US for his job purpose and last year due to pandemic we have lost both my in-laws which was a very hard time as we couldn’t visit India and from then keep on hearing so many relatives’ death due to pandemic. From then I’m really scared and always worrying about my husband’s health, two little kids and my parents who are very old staying alone at India.

Recently me and my husband have taken Covid vaccination and sometimes hearing about side effects of vaccine which is making me more scared and depressed.

I daily read Sai Appa leela’s book regularly and also recently joined the Mahaparayan group though I always keep chanting Baba’s slogan, read stories, Sai devotees’ experiences yet my situation is constantly making me to worry and fear.

Today we had second dose vaccination for my husband and I was going through Saiyug network and got to see this site to submit prayer and Udi request.

My sincere prayers to my Sai Appa Who is always with us to heal my husband’s heart issues and bless him with a good healthy long life and protect me, my kids and parents and bless with good health and long life too. Vaccination should not cause any side effects or harm to my husband and myself. Please give us peace and positive thoughts.

Please accept my prayer request and seeking for Sai Appa blessings forever.
My pranam and namasakaram towards Sai Appa’s lotus feet.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471

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