Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India:

Om Sairam. I will never forget to thank Hetal Mam for her efforts in maintaining this site.
I don’t know when I will be called as a Sai devotee. Till date I can’t become Baba’s devotee. Repeatedly I am doing wrong. I am doing that work, which our Baba never likes. I know Baba will not forgive me so easily. Baba I am trying my best to do such type of work which You like. But every time I am getting failure. As long as Your blessings are not with me, I can’t get success. Baba, without Your consent, a leaf cannot move. Then how I will be successful without Your blessings? 

Baba I always want peace in my family. Everybody’s health should be fine. Baba You know how I get scared even for the small health issues of my both families; my father’s family and my in-laws. Some days before my son was sick. I prayed for my son’s health. With Your blessings my son got cured on the very next day. Now my mother-in-law is telling about her health problems. Baba, please cure her completely. Now while I am writing this my husband said that suddenly his head was roaming in the office. Baba, please solve the health issues. I beg You for everyone’s good health.
Baba please be with my family always. Keep everyone healthy. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam. Om Sai Aarogyakshemadaya Namah.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471

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