Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India:

I am basically from Bangalore, India working in a private firm.
My dear Sai Baba, first of all I love You from the bottom of my heart. Thank You for everything You have blessed me in my life till today. Recently, for the past two and a half years my wife has got separated from me. I have one five years old kid. Because of her ego and stubborn nature my kid is suffering a lot. He is missing father’s love.

Every weekend I used to pick my kid from her house. Now she is demanding money from me (If I want to pick the kid). She is killing me emotionally. I heard from few close people that someone is influencing her to do like this. But I am totally unaware of this Baba. I have left this matter in Your hands. We were a happy loving couple and everything was going smoothly. I do know whose evil eye had fallen on us that we got separated. She treats me like an enemy now. I left my ego for the sake of my kid and I told her that we will reconcile our relationship. But nothing has worked so far. Even our family members tried to patch up. But she is a very adamant lady Baba. She puts all blame on me.

This is not the only problem Baba. I got cheated in one of the trading company. They cheated me with Rs. 15 Lakhs. I trusted them and invested. I am literally left with tears Baba. From past two and a half years, life has become miserable Baba. Sai Baba now You are my last hope. I have kept all my worries under Your lotus feet. In return please grant me what my heart desires. You know very well what Your devotee wants.

Once again Love You Baba.

Om Sai Ram.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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