Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee From India:
I am small devotee of Baba. I am trying to worship Baba as much sincerely as I can.
Baba, You blessed me with this child, made me do all pooja path, nav Guruvar vrat etc. with as much faith as possible in situation. Baba, now I had undergone for abnormalities scan due to blood report issues. Sai , please make all reports normal and bless me with a completely healthy, happy and a normal child around due date. Baba, I beg You to save this child. Baba, its innocent. There is no mistake of his. If any punishment due to bad karma of mine then please give it to me but please spare and save this child. Baba, don’t leave my hand in between now after making me come this much far. Baba, You know my journey.
Sai , You do all things. I am just Your puppet. Baba, please relieve me from all worries and tension. Sai, You know closely that the whole journey of this pregnancy was filled with trouble, difficulty, new shocks every month, no care, support or love which women should get during this time. What I got Baba was total mental turmoil. You know all Sai. What is hidden from You, Baba? Please Sainath, save the child and bless me with a happy, healthy and a normal child. I don’t even want two or three children but just one which is perfectly healthy, normal and fine, Baba. Please bless me, Sai
© Prayer to Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com