Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee From the USA: I am a mother who is here to pray for her daughter.
Baba, please keep Your boongiving hands on my daughter. You only know her strengths and weaknesses. Please work with her and bless her. Take away all her anger, hurt, resentment, all her mental agony and afflictions away. Bless her and surround her with Your love and light. Guide her path. Bless her to believe in herself and believe in the beautiful life she has been blessed with and thus believe in You. Be with her always and take my child under Your wings. I surrender her on to Your holy feet, Baba. Take care of her Baba. Om Shree Sai Samartha.
© Prayer to Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com