Category prayer for son

Prayer For Promotion And Salary Rise – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India: I am praying Baba for son’s double promotion and triple salary and to arrange money now as I underwent a surgery. My son is now bread maker and he must be…

Prayers To Sai Baba – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India: I’m from Chennai and thank you Hetalji and team for enabling devotees’ prayers to reach Shirdi.  Prayer 1: The current pandemic situation has disrupted our lives like never before. Few lost…

Please Help Baba – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India: Please show us the right path and give us strength and courage to handle any situation. This is my prayer to You. Please guide my family, mom, sister, brother and their…