Request For A Baby – Sai Devotee Vanita

Shirdi Sai Baba Online Prayers | Your Prayers to Sai Baba of Shirdi |

Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers from Sai Devotee Vanita: Dear Hetal ji, Thank you for such a nice blog that you have started where all devotees come together to pray to our Sai Bhagwan to reduce the pain of other Sai devotees. Baba I am Your ardent devotee who prays to You day and night to be blessed with a baby. Baba I may be stupid, illogical, ignorant, retarded, but I am also Your true devotee and Your devotees are always blessed with their dreams and wishes. No true devotee is ever turned down in Your ‘Darbar’, so will I be. Person who has faith only in You and in Your ‘Charan’ is never disappointed as ‘Samadhi’ fulfills all wishes. Baba please make me Your ‘Charno ki dasi’ and bless me with a baby. I promise I’ll keep his/her name related to Your name so that I am always reminded of You. Please Baba call me to Shirdi by blessing me with this invaluable gift.

Astrologers all around have told me no for a second baby and that my health might suffer because of the baby’s birth. I want to prove all of them wrong by offering my full faith in You. I have been praying to You for this gift since 3-4 years. My 8 year old son has also been praying to You since 2-3 years for a baby. I feel so helpless. I have taken and currently taking some infertility treatments (as me and my husband are past the proper age) but these will not be successful without Your blessings.

Baba, You have always heard my prayers, regardless of major or everyday things. Baba please this time also bless me to make my dream for a second baby come true. I believe in ‘Shradha- Saburi’, but I don’t have much time as I am past the good fertility age. Baba I have started 9 days Thursday Vrat for this. Please Baba accept my puja and make my dream come true and also make me Your slave for life. Om Sai Ram.

© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 218


  1. Dear Sister,

    Please leave all your negative thoughts at the feet of Sai baba and pray him with complete devotion.

    Reading your request, i got a feeling that you are praying him with so much of desperation that your desires are more than the fact that you are his devotee.

    Sai baba never wants us to be his slaves, he says that in his satcharithra that god and devotee are no different.

    Please dont stress yourselves by saying that you are praying him for so many years, and your son is also praying. Being a sincere devotee, you must have realised by now that he must have been there for many other instances and saved your family that is far beyond your wisdom.

    Regarding the age of your couple, just remember Shradha and Saburi is what you need. In gurucharithra, one 50 year old women delivered baby with unconditional devotion over her guru.

    When Sai baba feels right time, then age, circumstances doesnot matter. He will bless you anyway.

    Further, also be cautious that Sai baba always told to his many of devotees in sai satcharithra to be content with what we have in our hand now, because he sees the greater good for us.

    I wish Sai baba bless you soon.

    Jai Sai Ram!!

  2. Dear Sai Sister,

    Get sai maa's vibuthi from nearby temple or from shirdi and apply on your stomach and drink a pinch with water every day until you conceive and during pregnancy as well.

    I followed the same and conceived my second baby after 6 years of my first one even though i had some health problems.Sai maa vibuthi cures everything,trust me.

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