Baba Save Me From Discrimination Case – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India: I am Baba’s daughter. I keep on sharing all my thoughts and problems with Baba. For every little thing I am dependent on Baba. Baba is my guiding light. Baba will save me from clutches of death. My humble salutations to Baba.

I am about to get married to a boy. I and my family visited their family. Now they along with their criminal lawyer; sister- in-law are about to visit my place for further proceedings. But this boy is now out casting and showing rude behaviour because of my caste and particularly state. He calls us insane and passes lewd remarks, something that is incomprehensible especially at this stage. He only sent me the marriage proposal knowing well to which state I belonged to now passing remarks due to state or caste is some sort of a racial discrimination I am suffering through his end. I protested but still he shows weird behaviour. He even now shouts at me and does not respect me properly. He said when his criminal lawyer sister in law will come to my place she will take my proper class. He even said if his cousin sister- in-law would reject me he would not marry me. He has an elderly mother and two elder brothers who are married.

Till date everything was fine now all of a sudden all decision are to be taken by cousin sister-in law does not make any sense. It is difficult for me and my family to understand what exactly is there in his mind. We have already wasted so much money. My situation is well known by Baba, Baba please help me in this hour. I need Your help. Through Your grace everything be alright as I now don’t have the power to suffer anymore. Baba, please help me. Guide me. Baba, please give my fiancée sadbuddhi and bestow Your blessings on him. Make him realize his mistake Baba. Please help me.

© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


  1. Sairam sister,
    Immediately leave that fallen souls family. This is the thing baba is showing you before itself cautioning you how fallen that family is. Dont enter into a cursed relation fully knowing their evil behaviours. IF you cant think pre=operly even after baba showing this much then really its a pity , dear sister. Your life will be like a living hell. Think wisely and act maturely.

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