Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA:

I want to remain anonymous. I live in the USA with my husband and two children.
Dearest Baba, as a family we are in a very difficult situation now. I am deeply worried about my daughter’s future. I had never imagined the situation will come to this state. She was such a brilliant student Baba. All the roads are blocked now. She wanted to go to a medical school which is impossible with her GPA. She herself is demotivated now. There is no way from here Baba. It is all dark. Sometimes I am losing my own faith. Where to go? Whom to meet Baba? Please show us the way. Please help Baba. You are the only saviour.

My husband`s company which he started three years back in Your name and with Your direction is going nowhere. There is a huge debt. We are staying in a rented house for so many years Baba. We had to sell the only house we had in our name In India to repay our debt here. He is applying to some jobs but not being successful in so many years. For the last 15 years after coming to USA I have seen only financial struggle Baba. After 15 years also we do not have our own house in the USA. You are Anataryami and You know everything, but pouring out my heart gives me peace of mind.

My son who is a brilliant student with the best GPA and the best MCAT could not get into medical school five years back due to unfortunate circumstances. He has applied this year with all his might with Your blessings with all good research and good new MCAT. He has done well in his interview for his dream school. Now waiting for the final bell. We all have been waiting for this for many years Baba. I have caught off myself from this world completely. I feel ashamed to show my face to anyone. I have so many promises to fulfil after this Baba. We all are waiting for the big day. He has a huge debt Baba. He should get some scholarship from his dream school Baba. I feel really bad as I have such a long list Baba but You are the only one I can share everything. My life is just struggle and struggle. I am so tired Baba. Keep me and my family at Your lotus feet Baba. At the end devotees, we are in the same boat. I pray for you as well as for myself to Baba to give us deep devotion and faith in Baba. He is the only saviour for all of us. Keep chanting His name and talk to Him when you are in a desperate situation and He does listen. Knowing our own karma is the cause of our sorrow and happiness, do good karma in this life and follow Baba’s teaching of treating every human being and animals with respect. Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Ram! Hetalji and Team, Thank you for giving this opportunity to send this letter to Baba. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


  1. Baba, please bless this devotee of yours. Help her family financially, and help her kids get admission to the medical school. OmSaiRam

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