Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA:
I’m from USA, please help to get our money back from my brother -in -law.
Hi Baba,
My father -in -law sold one land and he got 40 lakhs to clear his debts but one day his brother’s son came to our house for money and my father -in -law gave him trusting him and gave surety for him in 2009.
Now my brother -in-law is not giving that money back. My father -in- law died because of his tensions to clear his debts and now my husband is taking lot of tensions. He is not able to concentrate on his job. One day Baba did miracle by giving me job which helped us to clear our debts of nearly 70 lakhs but few are pending which my brother -in-law has to take care of it and we are not sure if he will take it or not to clear it.
When we gave him in 2009 that money was 40 lakhs and now that money came to total of 1.5 crore and when we asked him he said that he will give it 1.2 crore by selling his petroleum bunk at time and now he changed his words and he is saying he will pay only 50 lakhs. He sold his bunk without telling us and he did not pay single paise as of today and we are clearing our debts due to help of Baba from my job. It is a very hard earned money and please pray for us to get our money back and my brother -in –law and for his health also. Please help us to get our money back and help me and my husband to get good jobs and get settled in life.
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Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
I pray that He showers His love and grace on you and yours 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
This is all the play of Karma…
You asked us to pray for your brother in law's health🙂
Kind person..
Om Sai Ram