Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from India:

Om Sairam
Saiji please bless Kavi and Reetu; my all these friends who are true for me Sai. Bless my daddyji. Saiji bless animals and me also. I need You Sai. My mother insisting to my brother and her brothers to kill me Sai as I love someone else and want to build up my career. Sai it’s been more than 2 and half years, when will You show me Your side of miracle Sai? Saiji I don’t want to take any tough step. Baba only You can help me. Sai I’m losing all hopes. Please teach lesson to my so called mother and brother. They did bad with me. Sai I need You a lot. I am sorry for my words Sai. I’m writing this but inside I’m hopeless and helpless Sai. I need You the most Baba. Please save my wishes and dreams Baba otherwise I’ll break down forever. Sai please make my career so that my daddy can be proud of me and please save me from marriage to another boy Sai. I don’t want to marry him. I need You. Sai please don’t give up on me and on my prayers, my trust and my patience. Sai stop them from abusing me. Sai I need You. stop them from forcing me. Sai please give peace to my daddy’s mind and heart. Baba please, keep my daddy and me always happy. Sai there’s no one who will help me. I’m almost giving up Sai leaving on You Sai. I’m helpless and hopeless Baba and breaking from inside. Please save me Baba. Please come and show Your miracle. Please come and save. Sai Baba and Maa Sherovaliji You both know my heart. I’m dying. My trust is dying Sai. I am sorry for everything bhagvan.

Please forgive me for my a lot of mistakes. I need You.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


  1. Baba please bless this young girl and save her from her mother's evil intentions. take care of her and give her courage to face the world, help her with her career and make her father proud of her. Changer her mother's heart towards her.

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