Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA:

I live in the USA and am a small devotee of Baba. Please keep my name anonymous
Baba, what is happening? Why do my kids hate each other? They are both in their 20’s and they still fight with each other and looks like they hate each other. When they were young it was different, small squabbles and then it would be fine. Now there is constant yelling and screaming and banging doors. Why is it Baba? If I try and intervene they start yelling more. There is no peace in the house. 

At an age where we parents should expect some help from the children, they are antagonistic towards each other and it make me regret why I even had children. Maybe I should have had one child only. What did we do to deserve this? Not a day goes by when there is no fight. A small issue like TV show or TV volume becomes so big that the whole family, all four of us stay in separate rooms for the whole day. Baba, what do You think will make this problem go away? Maybe if I remove myself from this earth, they will realize their need for each other. If that is so, please take me away Baba. I am ready. I am in my 60’s so it should be easy. Please take me away so that my kids can get close to each other. How is it that a brother and sister fight so much?
 Please instil some sense into them and love in their hearts. Help Baba. I am at my wit’s end. They come home for 2 -3 weeks and every day is dreadful and full of fear. We have to walk on tiptoes as any one word can upset either of them. Please guide me Baba how to handle this situation or else take me away. Please I beg You Baba to take me away. Even today I prayed for peace in the morning and now 4 hours later a major fight erupted. Help us Baba. Please. Om Sairam!
Please provide a solution.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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