Shirdi Sai Prayers From Sai Devotee Sudha from India:

This is Sudha submitting Prayer request for my husband Sridhar
Om Sairam.
My husband Sridhar got operated for brain tumour in June 20. RT done and chemo still continues. He is having his first MRI scan and review on 25th March. Please Sai devotees, please pray for his results to be normal, to reduce the side effects from chemo and bless him to get back his cognitive skills to lead a normal healthy long life.

 Baba, please reduce his anger and give him confidence. Sai You are our only hope and everything to us. Please Sai since June our life is turned upside down and each day is a nightmare. You are my only constant support. Baba please restore health to my husband and please bring him back to normal. Sai please bless and be with us. Reduce my anger, irritation, stress and helplessness. Forgive all or mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly and please remove our bad karmas. Bless him a normal, healthy, long and peaceful life. Bless us always to be under Your feet. Bless all Sai.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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