Request To Remove Cunning People From My Life – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA:

Hi team thank you all for giving us this beautiful platform to share our experiences and prayers.
Hello Hetal tai and Pooja di. Thank you to give this platform and noble work you are doing. Sai will surely bless your whole team.
Tai I am going through very rough patch. My in-laws are coming to stay with us permanently which is a huge turmoil for me. Because of them my married life is almost finished and for name sake I am married. Husband is always with them by opinions, thoughts or physically spending whole time of his with them, just to do husband wife things he is with me. I feel totally left alone, trouble with extra person in this house is so much that my health is also deteriorating and I am loosing focus on work.
Already my husband’s big brother have thrown my in-laws out of their house. They live separately in village but here in city its small one BHK which makes everything difficult. Sometimes can’t breathe also freely that I feel much suffocation in presence of this people.

 I am already divorced once due to husband’s bad behaviour and his family interference in each and everything in life from what to eat to what to buy, not buy and everything. But husband came back for reconciliation so again my family and me trusted him foolishly (rather can say it was Baba’s wish only). Now the trouble is unbearable. I want Baba to either give me life by keeping these people away or give me death which I will accept happily without complaints. 
My every day goes in depression as since marriage I never got to enjoy normal life. We always quarrel on small things that also even after doing most of the household contribution. These people treat girl’s family as animal, no respect nothing and everything should go as they want and eventually they dominate to the worst level where eating in your home makes you feel like a theft. 
 I sincerely request all devotees and Hetal and Pooja di to pray Sai on my behalf to keep these evil in-laws away from me permanently and bless me with permanent job in the desired location.

For fulfilling this wish, if Sai will bless me late with a child then that is also fine. Already I am 31 year old with no issue in 5 years of this namesake marriage.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471

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