Please Pray For My Marriage To Happen – Sai Devotee Saranya

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Sai Devotee Saranya from India:

Hi All! I’m a girl who has crossed her marriage age(above 30).
Baba I don’t have my father. I plead You to consider me as Your daughter and bless me to find a suitable boy. My mother and I are in a lot of stress and we are slowly losing hope. My mother and I are feeling helpless as we don’t know what to do now. There is no one to guide us and nothing is working. 

We are putting so much effort but nothing can happen without Your blessings Baba. Please, please shower Your blessings on us. We cannot take this pain anymore.

My profile has been sent to a boy today and I request You to bless this to get finalized. I really like the boy and his family. Only You can make this wish come true. Only You can make this miracle happen Baba.

Please Baba I beg for Your blessings. I request everyone here to please include me in your prayers for my marriage to happen.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471

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