Sai Please Bless My Mother With Good Health- Sai Devotee Vidhyashree Kp

Sai Please Bless My Mother With Good Health- Sai Devotee Vidhyashree Kp

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Sai Devotee Vidhyashree Kp From India:

Baba, as You know my mother is suffering since 4 years due to her health issues.

Please pull out all the mental and physical health issues and make her free from these sufferings. She should be happy always . Please bless her Baba and remove her depression feeling. Please make my marriage happen soon with good alliance so that she can stay peacefully without thinking on my marriage. Please give her good health and wisdom. Om Sai Ram!

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 318

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